LISTEN TO REASONS! Why I quit Christianity | 请听我的理由! 我为何退出基督教 |
by Marc Di Leone | 作者 Marc Di Leone |
I was born a Roman Catholic, but when I was nine years old my parents left the "Church" and became members of the "Assemblies of God" denomination. What they didn't realize was that they had only changed the outer, superficial aspects of their religion while retaining inwardly the doctrines and errors of Rome. They were still placing their faith in a book which had been in the hands of Rome and her priesthood for centuries, the so-called "New Testament". What good is it for a man to change his outer garments, if his body is still filthy and unwashed? | 我出生于一个罗马天主教家庭,但是当我九岁大的时候我的父母离开了‘教会’并成为‘神召会’的成员。他们没有意识到的是他们仅仅改变了信仰的外在和表面的某些方面,却依然保留着罗马的教条和错误。他们依然把信心建立在数个世纪以来罗马和其神职人员手中的那本书之上,也就是所谓的‘新约’。倘若一个人的身体依然是污秽的、不洁净的,仅换一件外衣又有什么益处呢? |
By the time I was inducted into the armed forces, I was active in "witnessing for Christ", and thus came into contact with men of all faiths, including Jews. I had always wondered why the Jews, Jesus' own people, had valiantly resisted all efforts of the Church to convert them for centuries! Fire and force couldn't break them. Aside from a handful of renegades and neurotics who had deserted now and then, Israel has said "NO!" to Christianity unflinchingly, down through the ages! Praise YHVH, the Holy one of Israel. I now understand why! | 在我应征入伍之时,我曾积极做‘基督的见证人’,也因此接触到有着各样信仰的人,其中包括犹太人。我一直都很奇怪为什么数个世纪以来,耶稣的同族犹太人英勇地抵抗着来自于基督教企图转化他们的种种努力。枪火和武力并不能击垮他们。撇开少数的叛徒而言,一直以来以色列人都在对基督教坚定的说‘不!’并赞美耶和华,以色列的至圣者。现在我终于明白是为什么了! |
One day, after trying to convince an acquaintance that he should read the New Testament, I finally admitted to myself that a book is no substitute for reality! You can't prove that someone is, or was, a "messiah" who has saved the world, by ramming a book down peoples' throats! Has the world been saved by Jesus? Can our sins be forgiven just by believing they have been forgiven? Can faith replace "good works"? I began seriously re-examining Christianity's doctrines and claims in the light of the so-called "Old Testament" (neither "old" in the sense of being void and discarded, nor a "testament"). I began to scrutinize the basic tenets of the "New Testament" as they appear, minus the explanations of some sect or church. This can be both revealing and shocking! For example, we read in John 3:16; "for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life!" Some may think that it was mighty nice of God to permit his "only son" to die for you and me, but what are the real implications of this statement? First of all, it means that God approves of human sacrifice, an ideal incompatible with what is written in the Law and Prophets. Secondly, it means that God so hated and deceived the Israelites that he automatically condemned them to damnation by giving them a law they couldn't possibly obey! Thus, all the generations between Moses and John the Baptist "went to hell" as a divine whim! Thirdly, it means that God wasn't capable of forgiving our sins without shedding someone's blood (despite what God Himself says in Isaiah 43:25). If God had "loved" the wicked, sinning world, He could have forgiven all sin without having His "son" murdered! Here's another theological gem by Pail, the apostate Jew who later became a "saint": "where there is no law, there is no transgression!" (Romans 4:15)---- "I had not known sin but by the law: for I had not known lust except the law had said, 'thou shalt not covet'!" (Romans 7:7)---- "For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died, and the commandment which was ordained to life, I (Paul) found to be unto death! For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me" etc. etc. etc. (ibid., verses 9-11). | 有一天,在我尝试说服一个熟人他该阅读新约之后,最终我承认了一本书并不能替代事实!你并不能通过把一本书强行灌输到人的喉咙就证明某个人现在是,或者曾经是一个拯救世界的‘弥赛亚’!这个世界真的被耶稣拯救了吗?仅仅通过相信你的罪被赦免了它就被赦免了吗?信心能替代好行为吗?我开始认真的重新检验基督教的教义,并认识到所谓的‘旧约’中的那个光,我开始仔细检查‘新约’的教义。这是令人震惊的揭露!例如,我们阅读约翰福音3:16,“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。”有些人也许会想这是全能仁慈的神允许他的‘独生子’为了你和我而死,但是这句话的真实含义是什么呢?首先,他意味着神认可人作为祭物,而这却违背了律法和先知所写的。其次,这意味着神憎恨并欺骗了以色列人,通过给他们一个无法遵守的律法而使他们陷入责备。第三,这意味着如果不借着流某个人的血,神无法原谅我们的罪(尽管神在以赛亚书43:25说了‘惟有我为自己的缘故涂抹你的过犯,我也不记念你的罪恶。’)。如果神‘爱过’这个邪恶有罪的世界,他可以原谅所有的罪而不需要让他的‘儿子’被杀!这里有另外一个来自于Pail的神学认识,那个犹太叛徒后来变成了‘圣徒’:‘哪里没有律法,哪里就没有过犯!’(罗马书4:15),‘只是非因律法,我就不知何为罪。非律法说,不可起贪心。我就不知何为贪心。’(罗马书7:7)——‘ 我以前没有律法是活着的,但是诫命来到,罪又活了,我就死了。那本来叫人活的诫命,反倒叫我死。 因为罪趁着机会,就借着诫命引诱我,并且杀了我。’(罗马书7:9-11) |
Poor Paul had a sin-obsession. All he had to do was read the Mosaic laws against coveting, adultery, murder, etc. and immediately he felt an irrepressible urge to covet, commit adultery, murder etc. So he invented a gimmick whereby the law was "eliminated". Since dead men are no longer under the law (?), we must all "die" (by believing in Christ crucified) be buried (symbolized by baptism) and resurrected to a new life without the old "carnal" Mosaic law to pester us and make us want to sin! (see Romans, chap. 6). We are now "free from sin" because there's no law against sinning! - no law to sin against! | 可怜的保罗被罪所困扰。他所需要做的就是阅读摩西的律法,制止贪婪、奸淫、杀人等等,紧接着他感受到一股压制不住的欲望去贪婪、奸淫、杀人等等。于是他就发明了律法被‘废除’的说法。因为死人不在律法之下(?),我们必须死(通过相信基督钉死在十字架上)而埋葬(通过受洗的形式)然后复活成一个新生命,而不需要旧的‘肉体的’摩西律法来烦恼我们让我们犯罪!(参考罗马书第6章)。我们现在就是‘在罪上自由的’因为没有律法能对抗罪!——没有定罪的律法! |
After having seen the true light of YHVH's Word in the Hebrew Scriptures, I no longer have to accept all these absurd teachings. I no longer have to "believe" that a man in whom "all the fullness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily" (Colossians 2:9) could be taken up onto a mountain by Satan (Satan wasn't that dumb!) and offered dominion over the earth (Luke 4:6)! I no linger have to believe that a man "equal to God" (Philippians 2:5-6) would be forsaken by God and would have to cry to God to save him 9Matthew 27:46)! I no longer have to believe that one third of the Almighty Creator had to become a "man", just to find out how tough it is to be a man, in order to have mercy on mankind! You can be sure that our Merciful Father knows our frailties and temptations without dying on a cross Himself. | 看过希伯来圣经中耶和华所讲的话之真光后,我不再接受这些荒谬的教导。我不在需要去相信一个有着神本性一切的丰盛且有形有体的居住在他里面的人(哥罗西书2:9)会被撒旦带到山上去试探他(撒旦不会那么笨)并且许给他管理这地的权柄(路加福音4:6)!我不再需要相信一个‘等同于神’的人(腓利比书2:5-6)会被神所抛弃并对神大喊呼求来救他(马太福音27:46)!我不再需要相信全能造物者的三分之一变成了一个‘人’,为了对人类的仁慈而仅仅去了解如何做一个人。你们可以确信的是我们仁慈的父亲知道我们的脆弱和试探而不需要让自己死在十字架上。 |
I now know that the whole concept of a god-man who is killed, buried and resurrected is a pagan doctrine common to the cults of baal, adonis, and mithra of Canaan and Hellas, and NOT a doctrine of YHVH's true Scripture! I now know that if I sincerely repent and DO what YHVH wants me to do, I am saved from sin (Ezekiel 33:14-19)! And I know that it is YHVH our Redeemer who is the ONLY TRUE SAVIOUR (Isaiah 43:11) and it is He that forgives our sins (ibid., verse 25). I also know just what YHVH requires of me - no blood-letting or human sacrifices; only to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with my Saviour, YHVH (Micah 6:6-8)! | 我现在知道了的这整套理念,就是那被杀、埋葬并复活是源自于异教的教条,就是巴力、阿多尼斯、迦南和希腊的索罗亚斯德教的所共有的礼拜仪式,而并非耶和华在经文中的教导!我现在知道如果我真诚的悔改并做耶和华希望我做的事,我就从罪中得救了(以西结书33:14-19)!并且知道耶和华才是我们唯一的救主(以赛亚书43:11)并且是他赦免我们的罪。我也知道耶和华对我的要求,不是以血或人为祭,要的仅仅是行正义的事和仁慈的爱,并且谦卑地与我的救主耶和华同行(弥加书6:6-8)! |
In conclusion, to my Christian brethren I say, get rid of all the pagan doctrines of Canaan, Hellas and Babylon-Rome, and come to YHVH (spelled YEHOVAH in the massoretic text; some prefer YAHWEH) the One and Only, today! | 最后,我要对我的基督弟兄说,抛弃所有的异教教义,就是迦南、希腊、巴比伦和罗马之教,就在今日,回到唯一的耶和华这里。 |
To my new found brethren of Israel I say: proclaim the name of YHVH, free yourselves of the traditions and superstitions of men and return to the principles of your true ancient faith contained in the "Tanach, the Hebrew Bible, bear witness to these truths, bring light to all mankind, fulfill your destiny! | 我要对新找到的以色列弟兄说:宣告耶和华的名,从人的传统和迷信中释放你们自己,回到你们起初那真实的信心,就是《塔纳赫》希伯来圣经中所讲的,作这些真理的见证,把光带给全人类,履行你们的使命。 |
Hallelu-Yah! Amen! Sincerely, Marc Di Leone This testimony is reprinted by the "Light of Israel" Tract Centre, M. Alfandari, Director | 哈里路亚! 阿门!来自真诚的 Marc Di Leone 这个声明由“以色列之光”宣传册重印 M. Alfandari, Director |